We have a variety in our on-line Virtual Shop that deal with Nestlé specifically or in the broader context of the campaign.

Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2007 profiles Nestlé and the other main formula companies with examples of how they have been found to be pushing formula in breach of World Health Assembly marketing requirements. See:

Fighting and old battle in a new world is a publication from 2005 tracing the history of the campaign and is written by someone who was there at the formation of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), Annelies Allain. She went on to set up the International Code Documentation Centre, which coordinates IBFAN's global monitoring projects. It is available at:

The Politics of Breastfeeding is written by Gabrielle Palmer, who has also been involved in the campaign since the first boycott and was involved with Baby Milk Action at the beginning. This book has opened the eyes of many people and motivated them to take action. It is fully updated and orders are being taken. See:

Using international tools to stop corporate malpractice - does it work? is a 2004 publication that I edited. It includes cases studies from 5 countries where experts commissioned by IBFAN examined the history of infant feeding and efforts to stop baby food companies pushing formula and undermining breastfeeding. In some countries these efforts worked, in others not. In every case the industry was trying to undermine strong regulations. You can download the report, or purchase a printed copy at:

Global Obligations for the Right to Food, edited by Professor George Kent, uses existing human rights commitments to argue that governments have a collective responsibility to deliver the right to food. I have contributed a chapter on holding corporations accountable, which takes Nestlé as its main cases study, not only with regard to baby food marketing, but other harmful aspects of its business, such as exploitation of water resources.
Each chapter makes recommendations for action by governments and others. I'm exploring some of the wider implications on my personal global justice blog.
The book is available to order at:
For other publications on infant feeding see:
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